the day i'm feeling a lil bit nervous. erm...

upon reaching office, the first thing i had in mind was to have a bar of snickers. rindu lah the taste. weekend tak makan, semalam puasa pulak. hehe. speaking of that, my supply of snickers is running out. ada 3 bar je lagi. yang belum tentu akan bertahan untuk 3 ari since i had once eaten 3 bars in a day. makcik cleaner mesti pelik sebab my tong sampah jarang ada sampah but bila ada it is full with snickers' and all sorts of chocolate's wrappers. budak ni dah la makan banyak, tak ajak makcik pulak tu. hehe. anyway, takde kah sesiapa yang bermurah hati nak sponsor me a fresh, huge loads of snickers? ;P

by the way, is it possible to feel like you have lost something even though you never even have it in the first place? i have been wondering since i have been feeling that for the last couple of weeks. things change. and again, that change is not making me feel good. merde! but changes are the only thing constant in life kan? i must say, i hate changes. sigh..

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