the day aku jiwa kacau to the max!

forgive sounds good

forget i'm not sure i could
they say time heals everything
but i'm still waiting
~ not ready to make nice, dixie chicks

i told you yesterday that i have been feeling really low. and today i sank lower than ever. just because of one sight. mula2 hapi, excited, but then, my mood snapped in just one blink. i hate this. i hate this feeling. hate what i saw. i hate changes. merde! @#$%$#

i'm going to find something to do this weekend. to get my mind off things. mesti buat something, anything. wish me well peeps

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

cheer up gf!!! i dah dok terbayang2. excited tak yah nak habaqla. sampai time solat pun leh dok pk lagik. astaghfirullahalazim..

i hd been in ur shoe before. i noe exactly how u feel. it's just that in ur situation, u can still c d person & yet nothing happen. i mean, neither of u will start 1st. it hurt the most seeing someone who left a foot print in our heart seems happy & didn't feel disturbed sebesar zarah pun. feel like want to punch the person on their face. ahakss.. keganasan. tp u kan de silat. time ni la nak gunanya. ehehe...


mysenoir said...

huahua. very funny! anyway, i'm back in track (i think) and back to feeling damn excited. tak sabar! heehe