the day taiping got traffic jam. eh?

taiping jam? ye ke? yeah right. mampu ke taiping ada traffic jam. hahaha. at least that was what i thought just now when i was stuck for about 20 minutes at the penjara traffic light and saw a long queue of cars lining the road of bukit drummond. taiping or better and lovely known as tepeng mana ada jam wei. just ada accident tadi. right on the peak of the bukit drummond road. and typical malaysians. i bet every car slowed down to see the accident. being prihatin lah konon. padahal nak tengok the details so that nanti boleh cerita and kecoh2 kat orang lain. kan? if the road is big, then bolehla you all nak stop tepi gawping and admiring the car involved. ini jalan kecik. dah lah peak hour, time orang balik kerja. jalan terus je la

anyway, it took me a good 30 minutes to reach home. kalau tak 10 minutes je dah boleh sampai. tapi takpe lah. because i was enjoying the ride. listened to a few cool songs on the radio. and sempatlah jugak dengar i'm the lucky one 3 kali =). upon reaching home, grabbed the paper, put my music player on repeat mode and dengar another 4 times. what is it about this song that i can't seem to get enough of it? hmm..

tadi, i read wahida's blog. she was always saying of how she does not like the way taiping is evolving. she likes the conventional taiping, the old town. taiping memang terkenal as the pensioner's town. aku pun suka the old taiping, serene and peaceful. tapi janganlah anti- pembangunan. like i said, ada tempat yang di preserve, ada tempat yang dibangunkan. ada equal shares of everything. and apart from all the pembangunan, taiping will still be the same old town we all loved

lagipun, in taiping, there is a circle of place (i'm not sure of the boundaries) yang tidak dibenarkan buat buildings lebih dari 4 tingkat. mpt punya planning. it is called zon bandar warisan if i'm not mistaken. bet you don't know that kan wahida? hehe. see, it is not that bad kan. semua orang pun nak taiping stays the way it is, but a lil bit of changes won't hurt. another thing, takkan la nak buat drive- thru mcd pun dikira akan mengubah imej taiping? huhu. pity la some of us (me) living in taiping, yang masih boleh dikatakan berjiwa muda remaja. nak makan mcd sedap selalu dengan cara terpantas (tak payah cari parking). nak hiburan sekali sekala. in which zoo taiping (apparently THE most famous place here) tak dikira sebagai hiburan ye

typical conversation:
A: aku from tepeng
B: o.. dekat dgn zoo tepeng ke *laughing sorang2*
A: *eyes rolling* (dalam hati: typical nya remark. tak kelakar langsung. huh. bosan)

and oh peeps, today is friday. and tomorrow will be the weekend! my favourite part of the week. berbanding last friday when i was emo to the max, perasaan hari ini adalah sangat bagus. and it is because of nothing much except the fact that today is friday! alangkah bagus kalau hari- hari berperasaan macam ni. life seems so much brighter you know, when you are feeling this happy. kalau boleh biarlah the 2 days yang weekend tu jadi weekdays and the 5 days of the weekdays jadi weekend pulak instead. waaah.. bestnye. can a?

edited at 1640
damn! boss suruh pergi this event pulak. wakil big big boss. tak suka nya. not only the thought of working on sunday is unacceptable, it is also the fact yang i hate this type of events. bergaul dengan orang besar2. i don't know how to mingle with these people. siapalah aku yang kecil dan tak significant ini. tp boss cakap kena belajar. uh- oh. this sucks. tapi lucky tidak menjejaskan perasaan happy aku. takpelah. still got saturday free kan. huhu

3 ur say?:

Anonymous said...


panjang lebor sungguh karya anda ini.bgs2 pasal cadangan mpt itu. i sokong beratus2 persen.

d conversation tu pun i suka gak. tp kekadang geram gak. bila cakap asal from tepeng n d person will ask me d same question too, dkt ngan zoo??

pooda citt... ingat pe. zoo 2 besaq bandar tepeng ke. but at least, org kenal gak le tepeng. ehehe.. nak sedapkan ati nye ayat.

i miss tepeng soooooooooo much.

mysenoir said...

sooo, cepat2 balik! spongebob tengah tunggu u ni tau! hehe. hoping to see you next week? ;P

Anonymous said...

insyaAllah my dear. ehehehe.. kinda xcited terlebih sbbnya i'd asked for the leave alredi. seems like my leave have been approved. (*.*)