the day i have no say over other people's bloody talking mouth

i have been meaning to post this yesterday but it had been a really hectic day until i did not get the chance to even online

yesterday, a friend in the office told me that someone saw me with a guy in ipoh last sunday when i was actually only roaming around taiping with my sister. this is the second time i've heard stories like this. the first one was true, although telah di exaggerated oleh tukang penglipurlara itu. tapi cerita yang baru ni is so not true. which makes me kind of annoyed

i don't get it. so you saw me (which you actually don't). so what? was it necessary to kecoh2 about that to other people? you want to tell my colleagues that you saw cik mai? ok, fine. but perlu ke tokok tambah cerita? konon nak added some spice lah? 2 theories:

1. you saw someone who looks like me and assume it was me
2. you heard the previous story (which happened ages ago) and decided to spread it out to other people pulak

so? pegi mampus! tak sangka budak muda, lelaki pulak tu boleh penyebok macam lu. go and mind your own business la people

0 ur say?: