the day my poor hand is suffering

phew. i have been signing and signing, signed some more since morning. my hand ni terasa macam nak patah. dah sore. i must have signed off more than 500 times kot. tak campur dengan public. i have finished 12 books alone this morning and that, times 50 sheets equals to 600 signatures. and still more to come. kalau betul la nak pakai 120000 sheets maknanya 120000 kali sign. divide that by two and the average is 60000! uhuk2. tolonglah buat cop sign untuk aku!!

so now, i'm giving myself a break. nak keluar pergi beli tiket train pun dah rasa malas. although talking about that puts me in the mood! excited nya! but more on that later because my over-worked hands are soo aching and too tired to continue typing. but i'm still in THE great mood. good sign, eh? later peeps!

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

owh... seems like someone is getting addicted with the blogging world. ehehe... twice updates daily. an improvement. gud job. pasni i'll never miss to visit ur page daily. hikss.. cepat2 gi beli tiket train. kang kene ubah plan plak. lalala...

mysenoir said...

i've just posted my 3rd update! hehe. bosan dgn never- ending work. so, using THE blog as my escapism. and i STILL DON'T think i'm addicted!