the day i got pening from eating too many pulut

pening2. kepala ku sangat pening. actually bukan pening. tp sakit kepala. uhuhu. dari pagi dah peninh. lepas tu masa brunch mengambil langkah sangat bijak makan pulut pulak. sedaap tp aaaa... lepas tu hv to face the consequences lah

a few weeks back, i read an article about blogs, bloggers and blogging. saying how blogging had become a worldly phenomenon and how everyone tried it. and so almost everybody's a blogger now. even moi. though not an avid one. yet. hehe. anyway, that article was talking about the types of content ppl chose for their blog i.e politics (paling hangat), arts, gossips, entertainment or plain mumble jumble. and the author was talking of how the blogs that really matter are the ones yang ada isi. kira mcm ape yg blogger tu cakap macam berilmu la, something that could generate the readers' mind to think or analyze or whatever. and he said blog yang merepek2 ni, yang banyak cakap junks or rubbish je tak patut ade dalam dunia ni. patut di terminate je


let me say this. different ppl do different things for different reasons. i think that should be enough to explain my point. but i'm gonna elaborate anyways. just because i like to write rubbish! hehe

memang lah ramai orang yang tulis blog. it's kind of a trend kot. plus, blogging was damn easy. you just have to have a google account, create your blog page and voila! you have a blog ready for you anytime you feel like crapping. and then hias la page ko tu sana sini. tambah gambar, description, links, etc. depends on tahap kerajinan lah. lepas tuh, suka hati la nak cakap ape pun dalam tu. kutuk ke, puji ke. menjerit, mengamok, anything suka hati la kn. my blog, my freaking fingers and so its up to me la apa nak type kan (pehal tbe2 emo nih? hehe)

some ppl:
+ blog to voice out their views on whatever issue they want. be it politics (again, paling hangat) or ketidakpuasan hati terhadap apa- apa jua. the need to be heard
+ blog to earn money! (sangat produktif dan berguna) open up an online boutique and advertise your garments through blog. nice..
+ blog to update friends on their latest news. easy- peasy. asalkan ada internet connection, boleh tau semua psl kawan2 kita tak kira la emotions ke, or what's happening in her life, apa yg dia baru shopping, dia tgh bengang ngn sape. kan ke berguna??
+ blog just to isi masa lapang and so that can hav a place to pour out all my pipo (that's me. hehe)

banyak lagi la reasons orang blog. aku malas nak pike. anyway, i think i've made my point. so, continue blogging ppl! sape yg takde blog, boleh la wat. sape yg dah ade plak, boleh la update selalu. hav a nice time blogging, bloggers! =)

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

once u start to write, panjang r plak. blehjuling mata mbacanya. ehehehe... yupss... i am so agree wif u. jari kita. blog page kita. kita nye suka nak merepek pe. its kind of a jurnal of our life, rite??? once a while, we can update it. we can read what we had wrote & laugh over it. its a fun thing to do. talking in a cyber space. muahahaha... asal drop komen kat ur page, suka tol nak speaking mat saleh. ehehehe...

aja2... write a lot. i can learn many new words from ur entry. thanx mate...

mysenoir said...

tgh ade idea n things to say, panjang ler jadinya. hehee. btw, u r welcome. i kan teacher u (poyo gle! haha)