the day i have a reason

another reason to get out of the office! yay! we got a letter yesterday about an executive talk somewhere in KL. and we were practically jumping at the chance to go there. haha

we don't give a damn about that talk. chances are probably 170% that it will be boring nak mampos. or more. who cares about that talk anyway, except maybe 'whatever' (this is a person which i unfortunately cannot disclose any name). we just wanted to get out. anywhere is good enough even if it is KL yang jauh just for a 2hour talk. although my heart is not really actually in it tp redah aje la

tak integriti kan? and so this evening we will leave dgn tak integritinya to KL for a talk about integriti. haha. gila ironic

ps. am thinking of how to tell big boss. we tak mintak permission pun. pandai2 buat keputusan sendiri nak pergi. ala.. bolehla boss.. semalam nak bagitau tp boss tak datang office pulak (alasan, but it's true!) teehee. boleh eh?

+edited at 0850
settled. boss da bagi permission. he said that the speaker is his friend (siapakah yang bukan? connection dia ni sangat maha luas) and he said "hangpa pegila. pastu boleh bawak balik pape nota. aku nak tgk sket ape dia nak cakap". ouch! ~baru ingat nak buat2 sesat and singgah midvalley instead. ish
(chances are high that we will get lost. tak tipu!)

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