the day i'm feeling great

today is off to a great start. upon waking up early in the morning, i read a text from wahida yang buat aku tersenyum (eh, mcm lagu sheila on 7 pulak which is totally a sweet song btw. hehe)

then, while ironing my clothes tadi, i was actually smiling to myself when i remembered that today is friday! only one more working day before the weekend! up until yesterday, i thought i had only reached wednesday. 2 more working days. ugh! but while taking my shower yesterday, tiba2 tersedar

'eh, hari ni dah khamis la'

sebab teringat malam tu takde anything interesting on tv. ish. what is keeping me so occupied ni sampai dah tak boleh bezakan hari

i am not smiling to myself anymore right now. nanti orang tengok pike pelik pulak. but i am still all smiling inside. a big smile =)))

owh. i wish i can be like this everyday. finding joy in the simplest things. be it the fact that today is friday, or seeing the cutest buncit boy riding in front of his titanic motorbike ever so cutely, or the fact that i'm wearing a new baju kurung hari ni (hehe), or simply feeling an unexplained swaying satisfaction hearing the song follow through (eh?)

i need to learn how to celebrate each day with joy. even if it is just another ordinary day, takde yg special pun, but i will learn to celebrate the day itself. for everyday is a celebration of life! cheers!

3 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

without my msg, u would feel great too coz d nite before someone text u. (^_^)

mysenoir said...

haha. i don't think so. anyway msg u tu wat i tersenyum sbb it was funny =)

Anonymous said...


alamak.. wat did i say?? dah lupa la. isk2..

but its gud coz i can make u smile broadly/widely.
