the day of Hari Curi Sedunia

a forwarded message from a friend:

"jika hari ini adalah Hari Curi Sedunia, apakah yang akan anda curi dari saya? hantar msg ini kepada semua. anda akan ketahui apa istimewanya anda. jawab dulu soalan ini tau"

and so i forwarded it to 4 persons. my credit balance was not sufficient enough to permit me for more. and these were the answers i got back. in the exact context and wording

person 1: curi masa u. nak spend dgn korg slama2nya
person 2: CURI DUIT
person 3: nasi paprik semalam
person 4: sy nk amek keta myvi awk. ps2 nk jam 245. pe lgik ek yg u de?


person 4, like i replied yesterday, NO. hehe

person 3, must have been really hungry close to starvation sampai nak curi dinner aku the previous night. hmph

person 2, materialistik? haha. or else thought wrong. ingat aku ni banyak duit sangat ke??

person 1, ur answer is so sweet and thoughtful. that was exacly what i replied to the friend who sent the message to me in the first place

"erm. curi tu haram. hehe. i nak curi masa u sket la bleh. rinduu nk lepak"

sweet tak. hehe. but that was what i really felt. i need more time. not that 24 hours for a day is not enough. but i need more ample time with my friends, people close at heart, to really enjoy my days like i used to. i want to be able to meet my friends anytime i want no matter how far they are. ini tak. banyak sangat kekangan. restraints. main problem, all of us are now scattered everywhere. and time also stood in the way. there never seems to be enough time even on weekends, in fact, especially on weekends. the ones in perak pun susah nak meet up, inikan pulak yang kat kl, melaka, etc. so, pintu suka hati then, i guess? =)

i think the real point of the message was to show how special you are in other people's eyes. physically, materials or in any other ways. actually, it was not something i thought, cause it was stated clearly in the msg. maybe some ppl did not notice it, or did not think out of the box, or simply malas to think and main jawab je. hehe

"anda akan ketahui apa istimewanya anda"

so, people were supposed to answer things like your beautiful eyes, or hidung awak yg mancung, or your hourglass cutting or your salary or your new, shiny laptop. haha. that was just to name a few. i had thought about that kind of answers before replying. but then, could not think of anything physical or material i wanted to take from her. because i think God created us equally, each with our own uniqueness. she is special. so am i. there are some things she have that i don't and vice versa. and so why would i want to take anything from her? just to make things fair?

by thinking that, and answering that i wanted to take some of her time to spend it with her, that did not mean that she will not know what is special about her, but i guarantee she will know how a special friend she is to me =)

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