the day i'm telling you about my boring weekend

weekend ended with the teeniest bit of disappointment over the lost of our netball team. we played well, really well in fact. but minus our sharp shooter (she injured her knee), playing was a lost cause. bola sampai tapi tak boleh nak score. frustratednya rasa tengok. tengok jela kan. coz i did not play any single game. haha. other players were better and careful enough not to get injured. and the only player injured was the shooter which us, the reserves were incapable of replacing. sigh..

my weekend was a bore though. besides cheering for the netball (and gaduh while supporting as well. sangat la childish, i know) i did nothing much. bosan. masa tu tak taulah kenapa tp sangatla teringin rasa nak lepak dengan someone. but that someone was not back to hometown for the weekend. disappointment again. and so saturday morning and evening was spent on netball. malam watched some tv shows. sunday morning netball again. and petang tidur mati from 3-8pm. dasyat dan agak tak sedar diri nampaknye. night was spent on tv. again. could my life get any more boring than this?

+just got a text from wanxara saying she had landed on the land under the wind. uuuh. bestnye.. aku pun ingin ke sana bah. hehe. best of luck anyways dear friend!

okay. i'm gonna be off to yet another boring meeting. ish

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