the day i was told "hang nampak sekeping"!

ahaha. that came from my boss. boss yang sangat ku sayang. you know, all this while he kept saying that i was berisi, muka bulat (memang betul pun. hehe) lepas kahwin nanti dah beranak mesti gemuk and all those sorts of things

but yesterday after meeting yang seperti biasa ada jamuan, there were heaps of leftovers (bihun goreng, his favourites) and he told me to tapau back home. and out came those keramat words:

"makan banyak sikit. selalu pakai baju kurung je nampak berisi. hari tu pakai seluar nampak sekeping je. takde pe dah tinggal"

note: incident pakai seluar tu was during a football match between pejabat2 tanah in perak and i changed into t- shirt and jeans to support the game after work

heheee. actually i have never even once thought that i'm sekeping. in other words, aku sedar diri la. maybe that came from an old man's point of view who cares and have my best interest at heart

speaking of my boss, i think he is superb. kalau nak banding dengan boss pizza dulu (hmph!), he is way better. zillion times better. damn strict but can be lenient at times. suka bersembang. smart. handsome. ada gaya seorang boss, rambut macam sultan azlan. hehe. and i look up to him very much. he is perfect for the memory of my first great boss which i will not forget soon enough! =)

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

wow.. dah jatuh hati ngan boss ke?? ehehe... joking je la gf. mn nak tauk d new skandal plak kan? **wink

mysenoir said...

bkn jatuh hati la. tp jatuh kagum. he's like an idol. kire dia mcm office idol i la. hehhhe