the day i'm dead bored

what is up with me? bosan dengan kerja. constantly feeling bored which is really tiring. you know my post the previous day, where i was praying for the rain to stop. well it did. just at the right moment. and mr sun peeked out from behind the cloud and shone oh- so- brightly. and i was so happy, all perky, getting ready to have some fun out.

+wahida ckp redah aje la hujan tu. bukan hujan besi. i was actually gonna play netball dear. how plak nak redah hujan. how nak tangkap bola if there was very limited, poor eyesight. and how nak main if orang lain dalam team tak nak main coz of hujan. takkan nak kejar bola sorang2. nak passing kat sape. sadisnya. huhu

anyway, when the rain stopped, i arrived at the field, there were only 3 of us. 4 including the coach. how laaa nak main??? argh.. tekanan betul. the others could not make it. ada hal, something holding them back at the office, cuti, pergi kursus. frustratednya.. so we lepak2 for a while (hell, there was no way i was going back to the office!) then we decided for a game of bowling. training ye. bukan suka2 nak main (albeit there was this big part of me yang nak skip work involved. haha) but it turned out all the lanes were fully booked for a tournament. masa ni jugaaklaaa semua orang sibuk nak main pun! we hung out by the railing, smelling the nasty smell of the biggest tong sampah ever, chit chatted for a while and switched to our next destination; the kopitiam. it was already 1620 and tanpa sekelumit pun rasa bersalah, kami bertiga lepak di itu kopitiam sementara menunggu jam 1700 when one of us would be off to fetch her child from school and another one would be able to drop me at the office to pick up my car. haha. after picking up my car, i did not even punched out, i made an impromptu decision, drove to the lake garden for a 15 minutes jog. you could say i was inspired by sepi. hahaha

+sepi was just an average movie by the way. it was okay but did not really meet my expectations. face it, we viewers could not help comparing it to cinta since both are the works of the same director. and i could definitely say cinta wins hands down. way way way better (my opinion je la kan) but the lake garden was exceptionally beautiful and breathtaking. and luckily my companion was not that bad. haha. if my friends will be planning to watch sepi this weekend, i'm afraid i will fall asleep as soon as the lights go down! though maybe i'll stay awake for afdlin's story at the beginning (where there were more cameos than in other stories; sazzy, irma hasmie and her on- screen husband which i don't know his name, abg naz!, chelsea ng) afdlin's part was the only highlight of the movie. except for the view of lake garden la. teeheehee

today, a game of bowling later at 1600. so yeah. an hour off early is better than nothing. so i'll be going back at lunch hour to fetch some spare clothes. and maybe get some sleep if i'm lucky. and then off to the lanes leaving this ancient building behind (i love the office but i don't love the office. get me? huhu)

+yesternight (monday night) was so dull without prison break. the season had finished airing last week. no more seeing the amazingly handsome-babyfaced-striking eyes-talking in whispers-genius-scofield. what boring monday nights i will face days ahead. sigh..

2 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

kesudahannya, citer sepi tidak plak i gi nonton. tak tau la napa. mula tu mmg excited. pastu dah tak beria pun. haihhh...

btw, maser skool dulu i men netball dlm ujan. redah je. ehehe... best siot men dlm ujan. yg lebihnye bukan main netball. tp main ujan. hahahaha... rindunya saat2 aktif bersukan. skang ni dah mandom tahap gaban.

ooo... cik mai curi tulang ek?? gi bersiar2 sekitar tepeng?? huhuhu... sy sgt rindu nak blk tepeng. menghitung hari je ni. isk2

mysenoir said...

i bleh je. org len tu yg xnk men dlm ujan. heehe. i bkn takat curi tulang, tp curi daging skali (eh, i pn xphm pe i mrepek ni) haha. btw, sepi tu i da tgk 2kali. padahal tade la best mane pn. just circumstances. ngehehe