the day my boy is super shiny!

i gave my boy a bath yesterday. and i must say it was a pretty darn good bath. and i was quite proud and amazed of myself. di atas sifat kerajinan aku yang sangat tiba2. haha

it all started with me feeling really bosan. bosan yang amat sehingga rasa nak hantuk kepala kat dinding berulang kali. i wanted to go out but i had no companions and didn't feel like going out alone sebab kalau nak keluar pun i didn't have a place to lepak or go to. if taiping ada wayang i could happily go catch a movie alone. soon, perhaps *winks*

anyway, tiba2 teringat keadaan my boy yang sangat kasihan kerana lama tak mandi. the original plan was to send it to the carwash (apa boleh buat, dah memang dasar pemalas) but since it was sunday semua orang pun cuti. so, i decided basuh sendiri jelah

and suprisingly, i had great fun! maybe it was the fact that it was my own boy, my own property that i was washing, i did it full- heartedly. dengan sangat bersungguh2 ok. i spent a good an hour and a half giving it a good scrubbing, mandikan dengan shampoo, siap vakum lagi kat dalam. if i'm not mistaken this is only the second time i have properly washed my boy since i had it. sebelum ni adala basuh jugak tapi just pancut2 air je. i know, gila pemalas kan? after finishing, felt really happy and there was this feeling of content watching my super shiny boy =)

maybe i could keep doing this every weekend. it's not that hard and it is kind of fun. or maybe part of the fun was that it was raining heavily while i was doing the washing. so takdelah terasa panas and the wind was blowing nicely. kadang2 kuat kadang2 lembut je. mesti orang lalu lalang pelik tgk aku basuh kereta dalam hujan (although bawah bumbung la) yela. selalu orang basuh kereta pagi2, masa tgh panas sebab nanti boleh jemur bawah matahari. apa nak buat, i'm not a morning person and so i did the washing at 2pm. ok jugak ape. hehe

ps. since my boy is now shiny and dust- free, i hope takdelah sape2 org office yang tempted and gatal tangan nak tulis nama kat my back mirror lagi ok?

3 ur say?:

Anonymous said...

huhuhu... i'm sad coz my bf so comot. walhal br last 2wiks basuh. siap hntr gi kedai lagik. br 2,3 hari je dah belemoih blk. so, pasni i bertekad takmo mandikan dia sampai la habis musim ujan ni. eheheh...

sgt byk kekangan for me to wash my bf myself. (kenyataan ini benar. bkn sekadar membina alasan-walaupun i'm the queen to make tonnes of reason. ahaksss..)

mysenoir said...

alasssannnnn. teehee

Anonymous said...

tolonglah percaya percaya yg kenyataan itu adalah benar (smbil melutut merayu u percaya)
